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4 Marketing Goals that Make An Impact

Writer's picture: trinity.jamestrinity.james
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Tony Robbins

Here at Views PD, we talk about goal setting a lot. It's one of our favourite topics and we could discuss it all day! This is because we know that having a clear direction is essential for success. More than that, a clearly defined goal enables you to focus your time and energy, creating space for work-life balance and a fulfilling, happy lifestyle. And we love that!

But here’s the truth: you can’t have a successful business or make a positive impact without marketing.

Similar to your professional and personal goals, your marketing goals provide clarity and direction. So let me ask: are you creating goals around your marketing strategies?

There's a few key elements you can use to build specific goals for your marketing. Brand switching, repeat customers, brand loyalty, and informing and educating your customers are key points to consider.

Let's dive in :-)

Brand Switching

Increasing your market share is one of the main goals of marketing.

Customers are not easily swayed from choosing a product or service they have become accustomed to and been loyal to for a long time. Having a customer choose your unknown product over your competitors known and trusted product takes a special set of circumstances. Releasing a new or improved product is a great time to make that push and poach consumers away from your competition.

Despite your goal for brand changing, customers do not always accept change easily. The transition requires effective advertising. The marketing needs to focus on improvements for the customer, but it also needs to show advantages in price, quality, and availability.

Remember - switching can also move the other way! Building relationships with your customers through listening and giving them a voice will make them feel more connected and build loyalty to your brand. It will make it harder for your competition to steal your market share.

Repeat Purchases

Repeat customers are essential to your business. They make up a majority of your sales, and you can count on them to share your brand with their friends. It is important to remember repeat customers on your marketing campaign, especially since you spend less money engaging repeat customers. Repeat purchases require you to build relationships.

Fortunately, there are different ways to improve relationships with customers and create repeat purchases. They are found in a variety of marketing strategies.

• Customer service

• Loyalty programs

• Incentives

• Personal communication

• Direct mail

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is the loyalty that customers show to your brand. This can be seen through actions such as repurchases, and paying more for the products than competitors charge, and investing time in the purchase.

Think about the lines at stores when the iPads were released. Loyal customers can be turned into brand champions for your business. Brand champions provide the word of mouth marketing that will improve the brand and increase the customer base.

Building your Brand Champions:

Draft them: Find satisfied customers who fully understand and appreciate your brand.

Interact with them: Thank brand champions for their purchases, surveys, comments, and contributions, and begin building a closer relationship with them.

Give them perks: Offer brand champions loyalty rewards and special perks for providing testimonials or sharing your brand with others.

Listen to them: Champions provide excellent feedback. Take their praise and criticism seriously.

Inform and Educate

Marketing must do more than appeal to emotions, certain marketing methods need to inform and educate customers. The best way to inform customers and educate people about your product is through content. Consider utilising the following channels as part of your marketing:

• Blogs

• Podcasts

• Webinars

• Facebook groups

• Newsletters

• Instagram stories

The content needs to be relevant, interesting, and well written (or well spoken in the case of a podcast). When creating content, it is important to focus on one topic at a time, and use subheadings to break up information. This will allow customers to focus on small portions of information at a time.

Your Marketing Goals

Without goals, it is impossible to know what needs to be done. Your marketing goals need to be long-term, broad, and provide aspirations for what you want to achieve through marketing. Is your focus on brand switching, repeat customers, brand loyalty, or informing and educating your customers? Write clearly defined goals around your focus point.

If this has been helpful, I’d love to support you further. Book a free, no-obligation strategy session today to see how we can help you grow your dream business into a profitable, sustainable reality!

With gratitude,

Trinity James

Views Professional Development

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